Rare Violet Boutique

The name Rare Violet is a tribute to the matriarch of my family. I lost my mother in 2009 from Lung Cancer. When I think of my mother, one of the first images is that of a beautiful purple violet. My mom loved African violets and so do I. Her birthstone is Amethyst, which also happens to be the color purple. Every time I see the color purple, I think of her. Rare Violet Boutique is dedicated to my angel watching over me, my Rare Violet that I think of and miss every day.

(631) 594-1197


"Cold Spring Harbor. The name rings a bell even in those unfamiliar with Long Island. It’s home to the world famous genetics lab. It was the name of Billy Joel’s first album. Lindsay Lohan grew up here (Well, she’s still growing up, but we won’t go there…) And John Lennon had a home here." Read More
- Loving-Long-Island.com

Instagram @ColdSpringHarborVillage